How to Create the Most Creative and Clickable YouTube Thumbnails 2023

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How to Create the Most Creative and Clickable YouTube Thumbnails 2023

11/16/2023 6:06 PM by Admin in Ai tools

How to Create the Most Creative and Effective YouTube Thumbnails


creative YouTube thumbnail

Creating a good YouTube thumbnail is crucial for getting more views and subscribers. An eye-catching and creative thumbnail can grab viewers' attention and make them click on your video.

In this blog post, we'll explore what makes an effective YouTube thumbnail and provide tips for designing your own creative YouTube thumbnails that convert.


Why YouTube Thumbnails Are Important

YouTube thumbnails act like a video's cover image. Along with the video title, they are the first thing viewers see when browsing YouTube. This means your thumbnail needs to stand out from the crowd and quickly communicate what the video is about.

An engaging thumbnail results in more clicks and higher click-through rates (CTR). Videos with higher CTRs tend to get promoted more by YouTube's algorithm. This leads to more impressions, suggested videos, and traffic from YouTube searches.

Simply put - a good YouTube thumbnail can lead to more views, and subscribers and help your videos rank better in YouTube search results. That's why it pays to spend time designing creative thumbnails that capture viewers' interest.


Elements of an Effective YouTube Thumbnail

What exactly makes a good YouTube thumbnail? Here are some key elements to include:

  • Visuals - Use attractive, high-quality images or graphics that relate to your video content. Photos of people or bold text/icons tend to work well.
  • Simplicity - Avoid cluttering the thumbnail. Use minimal text and make sure the focal point stands out clearly.
  • Contrast - A thumbnail should use high-contrast colors that grab attention on both desktop and mobile.
  • Relevance - The image/text should convey what the video is about and intrigue viewers to click.
  • Branding - While each thumbnail should be unique, maintain consistency with fonts, logo, and overall style. This helps build brand awareness.
  • Text - Include compelling text like your video title or other short phrases that describe the content.

Keeping these principles in mind will help you create effective and clickable thumbnails tailored to YouTube.


YouTube Thumbnail Templates and Ideas

creative YouTube thumbnail

The key to a good YouTube thumbnail is having an interesting concept or idea to build your design around. YouTube thumbnail templates can spark inspiration or serve as a starting point. Here are some popular thumbnail template ideas you can try:

Thumbnail Template with Focal Image

This basic template uses a large, eye-catching image that takes up most of the thumbnail. You can add text like your video title on the bottom or top. The visual should quickly tell viewers what the video is about.

Thumbnail Template with Overlay Text

Include bold overlay text on a colorful background image to highlight your key message. This creates visual contrast and makes the text pop. You can use your video title or a compelling phrase that summarizes the content.

Thumbnail Template with Numbered Lists

Numbered lists are an easy way to convey “tips” videos or topics covered in a tutorial. Combining a number with descriptive text tells viewers what to expect and entices them to click.

Thumbnail Template with Faces

For many niches, including a close-up face shot helps personalize videos and creates an eye-catching focal point. Just ensure you have the right or license to use the image.

Thumbnail Template with Cutouts

Using cutout graphics and shapes layered over your background image adds visual interest. This technique helps highlight certain elements of your thumbnail.

Minimalist Thumbnail Template

For a clean look, use a minimalist design with a single dominant image, color block, or icon with simple text. The sparse elements will stand out on a plain background.

YouTube Thumbnail Downloader

There are also free YouTube thumbnail downloader tools you can use to browse and extract thumbnails from trending YouTube videos for inspiration.

Experiment with these thumbnail templates and tailor them for your brand. The goal is to create something simple yet compelling that will make viewers click.


How to Make Cool YouTube Thumbnails That Stand Out

Beyond choosing a template, there are some other tips for designing eye-catching thumbnails that convert viewers:

  • Use high-quality images. Invest in good stock photos or create your own custom graphics. Pixelated images look unprofessional.
  • Focus on one clear subject. Make sure the focal point stands out and the text is easy to read.
  • Use bright, contrasting colors. Dark text on a light background or vice versa works best. Red, orange, and yellow hues also grab attention.
  • Incorporate your branding. Use the same logo, fonts, and overall style to make your thumbnails cohesive.
  • Simplify the text. The video title and a few short keywords are ideal. Avoid long sentences.
  • Make faces large and prominent. Research shows YouTube thumbnails with faces get more clicks. But avoid clutter.
  • Add movement or direction. Use arrows, scaling, or action lines to add energy and draw the viewer's eye.
  • Stand out with retro or illustrated styles. Use a vintage aesthetic or custom illustrations to look distinctive.

Following these best practices will help you create thumbnails that get noticed and clicked.


The Best YouTube Thumbnail Design Examples

creative YouTube thumbnail

To spark more ideas, let's look at some examples of great YouTube thumbnails from popular creators:


MrBeast is YouTube's top creator for viral stunts and challenges. His wacky thumbnails feature excited facial expressions and clever text captions. The style is consistent but each thumbnail is unique.


Known for his gaming videos, Markiplier uses contrasting colors, strong text, and his own facial expressions to make his thumbnails stand out and relate to the video.

Peter McKinnon

Photographer Peter McKinnon's thumbnails incorporate stunning landscape photos with simple white text and his logo. This makes them instantly recognizable.

Michelle Khare

Michelle Khare combines high-contrast text with a cutout of herself and related graphics to create eye-catching thumbnails. The style matches her fitness content.

Babish Culinary Universe

Binging with Babish features mouth-watering food photos against vibrant colored backgrounds. The coloring and dishes pictured relate to each video to grab hungry viewers.

Study thumbnails from top YouTubers in your niche. See what elements grab your attention and get ideas for your own creative YouTube thumbnail design.


YouTube Thumbnail Maker Tools and Software

You don’t need advanced graphic design skills to make great DIY YouTube thumbnails. Many free and paid tools exist to help create beautiful thumbnails quickly. Here are some top options:

  • Canva – User-friendly design app with YouTube thumbnail templates. Free and paid plans.
  • Adobe Photoshop – The premium photo editor to make pro thumbnails. Subscription required.
  • Thumbnail Maker – Automated tool to make YouTube thumbnails with stock images. Free and paid options.
  • PicMonkey – Online photo editor with templates, graphics, and effects for thumbnails. Free trial available.
  • Snappa – Intuitive design platform including thumbnail layouts and stock photos. Free and paid versions.
  • Ezvid – Free software for both video editing and YouTube thumbnail creation.
  • Getty Images – Subscription stock photo site with a huge selection of thumbnail images.

The best tool will depend on your budget, design experience, and video style. Try out a few different options to see which fits your needs.


Tips for Creating Clickable YouTube Video Thumbnails

Optimizing your thumbnails is an ongoing process. Use these tips to iterate and improve them over time:

  • A/B tests different thumbnails for the same video to see which gets more clicks. This can help you refine your style.
  • Analyze top-performing thumbnails in your niche and identify what common elements engage viewers.
  • Make a few variations when first uploading a video. Swap in the one that performs best.
  • Update underperforming thumbnails on old videos to give them new life and more clicks.
  • Ensure brand consistency while also testing new template styles and graphics.
  • Use compelling text like questions, commands, or strong keywords that capture interest.
  • Check both desktop and mobile to ensure your thumbnail works across devices and screen sizes.
  • Use analytics to determine your best and worst-performing thumbnail styles and apply those learnings.

The most clickable thumbnails take testing, analytics and constantly staying on top of trends. Study your data and what thumbnails hook viewers in your niche to inform your designs.


Become a Pro at Making YouTube Thumbnails

YouTube thumbnails have a big impact on your channel's success. Investing time into creating custom, high-converting thumbnails for all your videos can really pay off in more clicks, views, and subscribers.

Follow the tips in this guide to learn how to:

  • Choose the right thumbnail template for your brand
  • Design eye-catching thumbnails that get clicked
  • Use the best software and tools to design stunning thumbnails
  • Optimize your thumbnails over time for maximum impact

Remember, your thumbnail acts like a billboard for your video. A creative, professional-looking thumbnail builds trust in your brand and invites viewers to click. Use these best practices to make your YouTube channel stand out with thumbnails viewers can't resist clicking on.



Q1: What image size should a YouTube thumbnail be?

A: The ideal size is 1280x720 pixels. Thumbnails can be uploaded as JPG, GIF, or PNG files up to 2MB in size.

Q2: What fonts and text work best for YouTube thumbnails?

A: Bold, sans-serif fonts like Arial or Helvetica in a large size like 50pt+ work well. Use contrasting colors to make the text stand out.

Q3: Should I include my face on my YouTube thumbnails?

A: Faces can help thumbnails stand out in search results. But only include your face if it relates to the content and enhances the design. Test faces vs. other images.

Q4: What tools do professional YouTubers use to make thumbnails?

A: Popular tools used by top creators include Photoshop, Canva, PicMonkey, InDesign, and video editing software like Final Cut Pro.

Q5: How can I make my thumbnails consistent but unique?

A: Create thumbnail templates with consistent branding, colors, and fonts. Then customize each one with different graphics, photos, and text relevant to the video topic.

Q6: How often should I update my old YouTube thumbnails?

A: Review your past video thumbnails every few months. Update any underperforming ones with new titles or images to help improve CTR.



Success on YouTube starts with compelling video titles and thumbnails that get clicked. Dedicate time to crafting attention-grabbing custom thumbnails tailored to your brand and niche. Analyze which types of thumbnails and templates perform best. Experiment with different graphic styles, typography, colors, and visuals to make your thumbnails irresistible.

Use the strategies in this guide to create beautiful YouTube thumbnails that turn viewers into loyal subscribers. With clickable titles and thumbnails, you can take your YouTube channel to new heights.



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