This Simple 2023 Trick Will Check if Your Emails are Going to Spam (Results in Seconds!)


This Simple 2023 Trick Will Check if Your Emails are Going to Spam (Results in Seconds!)

08/31/2023 7:55 PM by Admin in Ai tools

How to Check if Your Emails Are Going to Spam in 2023 (Step-by-Step Guide)


email spam score


Wondering if your emails are landing in spam folders? Want to check your email's spam score? In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about testing if your emails are going to spam in 2023.

Why You Should Check if Your Emails Are Going to Spam

Getting your emails marked as spam can drastically reduce your deliverability rates. According to Validity's 2022 Email Trust Report, 49% of commercial emails land in spam.

That's almost half your emails not reaching your subscribers' inboxes!

By checking your email's spam score regularly, you can identify issues and optimize your sending practices. This helps improve deliverability so more of your emails reach the inbox.
Some key reasons you should be checking for spam:

  • Identify sender reputation issues like low IP reputation that cause spam flags
  • Check if your email content, links, and images are triggering spam filters
  • Verify spam filter compliance for CAN-SPAM, GDPR, CASL, etc.
  • Compare different email providers' spam filtering systems
  • Monitor changes and improvements in spam score over time

Running periodic spam tests allows you to course-correct before your sender score drops too low. Let's look at some easy ways to check if your emails are at risk of going to spam.

How to Check if Your Emails Are Going to Spam


email spam checker


There are a few free and paid tools you can use to verify if your email hits the spam folder or lands in the inbox. Here are the main options:

1. Send Test Emails to Spam Rater Services

One of the quickest ways to check your spam score is using a dedicated spam testing service. Here's how it works:

  • Sign up for a spam rating service like Mail Tester
  • Compose a test email with content similar to your actual emails
  • Send this sample email to the spam-checking service
  • The service will run checks on your test email and provide details on your spam score
  • The results will indicate your likelihood of hitting the spam folder so you can identify potential issues

Spam rater services simplify the process of just sending an email and getting an instant spam score. However, they provide limited insights compared to full-blown email testing platforms.

2. Use an Email Testing Platform

For more granular spam checks and detailed deliverability diagnostics, use a dedicated email testing platform.

These tools allow you to:

  • Test single or bulk test emails to check spam scores
  • Get inbox placement rates across major ISPs like Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo
  • Check spam folder placement rates for each provider
  • Identify content, links, and images that trigger spam
  • View spam filter rule violations
  • Check compliance with international spam regulations
  • Compare mailbox provider spam filtering aggression
  • Identify issues with IP, domain, and sender reputation

Email testing platforms provide visual reports, real-time alerts, and historically aggregated stats. This allows you to drill down into the root causes behind spam filings.

You can create test email templates that closely mirror your regular broadcasts and send these samples periodically. Tracking your spam stats over time shows the impact of your optimization efforts.

3. Set Up Email Addresses with Different Providers

Another simple DIY approach is to set up free email accounts with top mailbox providers like Gmail, Yahoo, Microsoft Outlook, etc.

Send test emails from your actual sending domain and email campaigns to these accounts. Then, check each inbox and spam folder to see if your test landed in the intended folder.
The benefit here is you can use your real emails for spam testing. But it only gives you data for the mailbox providers you have accounts with.

Having email addresses across free and paid providers will allow you to compare their relative spammines. For instance, Outlook and Yahoo tend to be more aggressive, while Gmail has high inbox placement rates.

4. Check Feedback Loops and User Complaints

Major email providers have feedback loops that notify senders when their emails are marked as spam. You can check these aggregate spam complaints in your email service provider's dashboard or your feedback loop inbox.

If you see a spike in spam complaints, that's a red flag to investigate further and optimize your sending practices.

Listening to subscriber complaints is also telling. If users say your emails are going to spam/promotions folders, take it seriously and address the potential causes.

Feedback loops and user complaints complement proactive spam testing to alert you of deliverability issues.

5. Review Spam Filter Rule Violations

Technology like inbox placement testing also scans your test emails for spam filter rule violations. This reveals specific issues that caused your mail to be marked as spam.

Common examples include:

  • Spammy content - Too many repetitious phrases, excessive keywords, suspicious links
  • Image-to-text ratio - Too many images compared to text content
  • No physical address - Missing a valid sender address
  • Suspicious links - Using link shorteners or questionable domains
  • Text properties - Unusual text color, embedded background images, flashy fonts
  • No unsubscribe option - Opt-out link missing which violates CAN-SPAM

Understanding which rules your emails are breaking provides direct guidance on fixes. Get your emails compliant with spam regulations to improve inbox placement.

6 Key Metrics to Check in Your Email Spam Test Results


email spam checker


When you test your emails for spamminess, look at these key metrics in your results:

1. Spam Score

The spam score is the primary indicator of your likelihood of landing in spam. A score above 50% generally means your test email is treated as spam.
Aim for scores below 30% across mailbox providers for reliable inbox delivery.

2. Spam Folder Placement Rates

Check the % of your test emails that actually end up in spam folders for major ISPs. Anything over 10% may indicate reputation issues.
Itemize this data by the provider to see which ones are most aggressively filtering your mail.

3. Spam Filter Rule Violations

As mentioned above, rule violations pinpoint specific email attributes that trigger spam filters. Fixing these issues directly improves deliverability.

4. Spam Complaint Rate

Your aggregate spam complaint rate shows how often your emails get marked as spam by recipients. A high complaint rate damages the sender's reputation.

5. Spam Test Trend History

Looking at periodic spam check results over time will illustrate if your optimization efforts are working. Make sure you're seeing positive momentum.

6. Comparison to Your Industry/Competitors

Contextualizing your spam scores against industry averages indicates where you stand competitively. This benchmark gives useful insight into future deliverability risks.

Tips to Improve Your Spam Score

If your spam tests reveal high risks of ending up in the junk folder, here are some best practices to turn it around:

  • Improve sender reputation - Build up IP and domain reputation through good email hygiene, reduced complaints, etc. Get off blacklists.
  • Review content - Eliminate spam trigger words, balance image-text ratio, and add natural language.
  • Increase relevancy - Provide valuable info subscribers want, personalized content.
  • Check link quality - Avoid dodgy link shorteners and sites with no relevance to your email content.
  • Fix metadata issues - Sender address, subject line, and preheaders should match the content.
  • Comply with regulations - Include unsubscribe link, physical address, etc. as per CAN-SPAM, CASL, and GDPR.
  • Improve engagement - Focus on driving opens, clicks, and positive interactions that train filters.
  • Monitor regularly - Keep testing with different providers to benchmark deliverability.

With disciplined testing and optimization guided by your spam check results, you can keep inbox placement rates high.

FAQs About Checking if Your Emails Are Going to Spam

Q1: What is a good spam score?

A) For reliable inbox delivery aim for spam scores under 30% across major mailbox providers like Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc. 50% and above means a high risk of hitting the spam folder.

Q2: How can I check if my emails are going to spam?

A) Test your emails using spam rater services, full email testing platforms, or by sending them to accounts with different providers. Review spam folder placement rates, spam scores, and violations.

Q3: Why do emails go to spam?

A) Common reasons are poor sender reputation, spammy content, suspicious links, images not matching text, missing addresses, high complaint rates, etc.

Q4: How do I stop my emails from going to spam?

A) Improve sender reputation, optimize your content, comply with regulations, increase engagement and relevance, avoid blacklists, and check link quality. Test regularly to monitor spam score improvements.

Q5: Can I check my email spam score for free?

A) Yes, there are free email spam testing options like spam rater tools and setting up provider accounts. For more robust spam checks use paid platforms.

Q6: What are the signs my emails are going to spam?

A) Indicators include higher spam folder placement rates in tests, increased complaints and blocks from ISPs, feedback loop notifications, and subscriber reporting issues.

Q7: How often should I check my email spam score?

A) Ideally, test your main email types each month. Also, re-test after making significant deliverability changes. Check periodically to track optimization impact.

Q8: How do I lower my spam score?

A) Focus on improving engagement, relevance for subscribers, sender reputation, and email hygiene. Avoid spam triggers by optimizing content, links, and metadata in compliance with regulations.


Checking your emails for spam is crucial for maximizing inbox placement and protecting the sender's reputation. Use the tips in this guide to start testing your spam score regularly.

Focus on addressing any problem areas revealed in your spam test results. With consistent optimization guided by data, you can keep spam risks low and deliverability high. It is also important to check the site authority from which you receive the email form. Here is how you can check the DA of a website through the DA checker.

Try our free email spam checker now to get instant insight into your spam score across major mailbox providers. Let us know if you have any other questions!



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