The Ultimate Guide to Getting High Domain Authority Backlinks in 2023

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The Ultimate Guide to Getting High Domain Authority Backlinks in 2023

09/02/2023 7:53 AM by Admin in Ai tools

The Ultimate Guide to Getting High Domain Authority Backlinks in 2023


high domain authority backlinks

Getting high-quality backlinks from websites with a high domain authority (DA) is one of the most effective ways to improve your own site's search engine rankings. However, getting these coveted backlinks takes time, effort, and strategy.

In this comprehensive guide, you'll learn everything you need to know about getting high DA backlinks, including:

  • What is Domain Authority and Why It Matters
  • Finding Websites with High DA to Reach Out to
  • 10 Tactics for Earning Backlinks from High Authority Sites
  • Common Mistakes to Avoid When Seeking DA Backlinks
  • The Best High Domain Authority Websites to Target
  • Tools for Checking Domain Authority Scores

Plus, we'll provide actionable tips for crafting link-worthy content, outreach emails, and more to score backlinks from authoritative sites in your industry.
Let's dive in!

What is Domain Authority and Why It Matters for Backlinks

Domain authority (DA) is a score developed by Moz that predicts how well a website will rank on search engine result pages.

DA scores range from 1 to 100, with higher scores indicating a stronger likelihood of ranking well due to factors like trust, link equity, high-quality content, and other signals search engines look for.

Websites with a DA above 50 are considered to have high domain authority. Backlinks from high DA sites are desirable because they pass authority and ranking power to your website. Links from authoritative, reputable sites indicate to search engines that your content is trustworthy.

Google cares a lot about link authority, so earning high DA backlinks is a top SEO priority for improving organic search visibility and traffic. Here is how you can monitor your backlinks.

Basically, backlinks from sites with higher domain authority give your own domain more "link juice" and authority to potentially outrank competitors - so you definitely want them!
Now let's look at techniques for finding and building relationships with websites that have the high domain authority you want for backlinks.

Finding Websites with High DA to Reach Out To

The first step is identifying relevant, high-authority sites in your industry to reach out to.
Here are some tips for discovering quality websites with high domain authority:

Use DA Checker Tools

DA checker tools allow you to easily check a site's domain authority score. Some options include:

  • MozBar - Moz's browser extension shows DA right on Google results pages
  • Ahrefs - Enter a URL to see Domain Rating and URL Rating
  • SEMrush - Get DA and a detailed SEO analysis

These tools make it easy to see which websites in your niche have the highest domain authority to target.

Analyze Competitor Backlinks

Find out where your competitors are getting backlinks from by using tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush.
Sort their backlinks by Domain Rating to identify the high authority domains linking to them - those should be on your outreach list as well.

Check SimilarWeb

SimilarWeb shows the top websites that share an audience with a domain. Look up your competitors or current linking sites to discover more authoritative sites to contact.
Search Engine Result Analysis
Browse Google results in your niche and note websites that rank on the first page for your target keywords. Authoritative, high-traffic sites that get prime SERP real estate often have very high DAs.

Use Moz's Top Pages Report

Moz's Top 500 Pages Report lists the most linked-to pages on the web. Reach out to the site owners behind these popular pages, which all have very high domain authority.
Review Your Industry Resources
Check out "best/top of" articles for your industry, which often link to authoritative, influential sites you can pitch. For example, roundups of top marketing blogs or best resources for doctors.

Now that you know how to find high DA sites, let's look at proven tactics for actually getting links from them.

10 Tactics for Earning Backlinks from High Authority Sites

Reaching out for a link is only the first step. To actually earn high domain authority backlinks, you need compelling pitches and link-worthy assets.

Here are 10 proven methods for getting authoritative sites to link to you:

1. Create Resource Pages

Curated lists of tools, research, tutorials, books, and other resources related to the website's niche make great link fodder. Build a comprehensive resource page or catalog on your site, then pitch it to site owners for inclusion.

2. Write Contributed Guest Posts

Authority websites often publish guest articles by industry experts. Write guest posts with embedded, contextual links back to your site and pitch them to site editors.

3. Offer Free Tools or Calculators

Develop free, branded tools like calculators, quizzes, or interactive tools that sites can embed or link to. Outreach with a tailored pitch about how their audience would benefit.

4. Write and Distribute Ebooks, Whitepapers, or Reports

Publishing in-depth research, data, how-tos, or guides as a downloadable PDF is a proven way to earn high-value links. Make sure your content provides real value.

5. Create Comprehensive Industry Studies or Surveys

Conduct an original study or survey in your space and share the results, then reach out to high DA sites to get linked as the source.

6. Suggest Link-Worthy Data or Stats

Scour your existing content for hard stats, data points, research, or powerful facts that sites might want to reference or link to as external citations. Then reach out and pitch them.

7. Give Testimonials and Case Studies

If you have partnerships/success stories with other authoritative brands, ask for a testimonial quote or case study that you can use to pitch relevant high DA websites.

8. Sponsor or Contribute Expertise to Reports

Look for opportunities to co-author or sponsor industry reports published by authoritative sites. Securing a byline means direct links.

9. Share Newsjacking Opportunities

When high-profile news related to an authoritative site's niche breaks, quickly publish commentary they may want to reference or link to while the topic is hot.

10. Provide Multimedia Resources

Create videos, presentations, graphics, illustrations, or other assets they can embed or link to as visual companions to articles.

Those are just a few of the many options for getting authoritative backlinks. Now let's cover some common mistakes to avoid when acquiring DA links.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Seeking High Domain Authority Backlinks

The most successful link-building campaigns follow best practices and avoid these common pitfalls:

Aggressive Outreach Without Personalization

Mass emails to lists of site owners are a turnoff. Link requests should be personalized and show you understand the site you're pitching.

Automated Link Building Tools and Services

Quick fixes like link exchanges, paid links, and automated tools mean low-quality links. Manual outreach and relationship-building is the way to earn authoritative backlinks that truly impact rankings.

Over-optimization and Keyword Stuffing

Don't over-optimize anchor text links with target keywords. Use branded, partial match, or naked URLs for the most natural linking.

Scammy Tactics Like Comment Spam

Techniques like blog comment spam, low-quality forum posts, shady directories, and link networks lead to low-value links that could actually hurt your site. Avoid them.

Pitching Irrelevant Websites

Only reach out to sites relevant to your industry with content complementary to yours. Random niche sites won't drive the results you want.

Copying Competitors

Do your own analysis to find link opportunities rather than copying where competitors are getting links. Duplicate outreach to the same sites gets lower response rates.

Having Nothing to Offer

Make sure you have something of true value to the publisher, like exclusive data. Links shouldn't benefit you alone - give them a reason to link.

Avoiding these mistakes ensures your link-building efforts are safe, natural, and effective for boosting domain authority.

Now let's look at some of the top websites you should target to build high DA backlinks.

The Best High Domain Authority Websites to Target

Here are some examples of sites across various verticals that have extremely high domain authority:

  • - DA 100
  • - DA 96
  • - DA 96
  • - DA 94
  • - DA 93
  • - DA 92
  • - DA 91
  • - DA 91
  • - DA 90
  • - DA 89
  • - DA 88
  • - DA 88
  • - DA 88
  • - DA 88

The domains above represent authoritative sites across news, e-commerce, video, forums, blogs, and more.

Target websites with DA scores of 80 or higher for your link-building campaigns whenever possible for the maximum SEO impact.

These are independent, trusted websites whose backlinks can drastically improve your own domain authority and search rankings.

Earn backlinks from these high DA sites by contributing valuable assets and resources rather than spammy ads - that's how to build sustainable links that boost your authority in search engines.

Now let's look at some handy tools for checking domain authority when evaluating link opportunities.

Tools for Checking Domain Authority Scores

Here are some of the best free tools for looking up any website's domain authority:

  • MozBar - Moz's browser extension shows Domain Authority right in Google results pages for any site.
  • DA Checker by SEMrush - Accurate domain authority scores plus full site analysis and audit.
  • Ahrefs - Instantly check domain authority and URL rating for free. Sign up for more metrics.
  • Seobility - Free website SEO checker with domain authority.
  • SEOToolsPark - Basic DA checker from SEOToolsPark.
  • Site Explorer Moz - See limited DA data in the Moz free account version.
  • Using these handy tools, you can instantly check any domain's authority when evaluating them for backlink outreach.
  • Aim for DA 80+ when possible.

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is a good DA score?

A) A domain authority above 30 is considered decent, but aim for 50 or higher. The best high authority sites have DA scores between 80-100.

Q: How many backlinks do I need from high-DA sites?

A) Quality is more important than quantity. Just a handful of links from authoritative sites can positively impact rankings. Start with a goal of securing backlinks from 5-10 relevant DA 80+ sites.

Q: How long does it take to build high DA backlinks?

A) It takes consistency and patience. Strive to pitch new authoritative sites weekly and follow up. It can take months to get published, so persistence pays off.

Q: Should I focus solely on getting backlinks from high DA sites?

A) High domain authority backlinks are ideal, but a balanced link profile also includes sites with varying (yet still relevant/quality) DA scores. Mix high authority links with other good backlinks.

Q: Are paid high DA links worthwhile?

A) No - buying backlinks is risky and against Google's guidelines. Focus your efforts on earning high-quality links through outreach, relationships, and contributing valuable assets. The most sustainable high DA links are earned, not paid.

Q: What if a site has DA 80 but low traffic - still worth getting a link to?

A) The quality of the linking domain matters more than traffic levels. However, higher visibility sites tend to have higher domain authority in the first place. I'd aim for a site with both high DA and decent traffic levels.


Getting backlinks from high authority domains is hugely impactful for improving your own site's search rankings and traffic.

By creating link-worthy assets like guest posts, tools, resources pages, and multimedia content, and then pitching relevant authoritative sites, you can earn DA-boosting backlinks.
Avoid spammy link-building tactics and focus on contributing value rather than solely benefiting your own site.

Use DA checker tools to identify sites to target and optimize your outreach for the highest response rates.

Implementing the tactics in this guide will put you on the path to building natural links from authoritative domains and leveling up your website's domain authority.
Now get out there and start earning some high DA backlinks!




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