Broken Link Checker | 100% Free Dead Link Checker | SEOToolsPark

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Broken Links Finder

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Sur Broken Links Finder

Broken Links Finder: An Essential Tool for Website Maintenance and Optimization

Keeping your website links working properly is essential for providing a good user experience and search engine optimization. However, over time, websites naturally accumulate broken links, also known as dead links - links that lead to 404 "Page Not Found" errors. Our free online broken link finder tool enables you to easily locate these broken links on your site so you can fix or remove them.


Why Use a Broken Link Checker?

Links that don't work frustrate users and make them less likely to trust your website. In addition, search engines like Google penalize websites with lots of dead links, causing your rankings and traffic to decline. Regularly checking for and fixing broken links can help avoid these issues. Our broken link finder helps by:

  • Locating dead links automatically - Manually checking every link on your site takes ages. Our tool crawls your whole site in minutes, saving you hours.
  • Improving user experience - Repairing broken links means fewer 404 errors and frustrations for your visitors.
  • Enhancing SEO - Fixing dead links signals quality and reliability, improving search engine rankings.


Broken Link Checker Chrome Extension

Broken Links Finder

Along with our online checker tool, we also offer a handy Chrome extension for checking links as you browse and write content. The Broken Link Checker Chrome extension integrates seamlessly with Chrome to automatically validate links on websites you visit.

Just click the extension icon in your browser bar to scan links on any web page. The extension flags and counts dead links to make repairing them easy.

Installing our Chrome broken link checker takes seconds. Then you can check links easily as part of your regular workflow instead of having to run a separate tool. Using the extension together with our online checker gives you a comprehensive solution for finding and fixing dead links on your site.


How Our Link Checking Tool Works

Our broken link finder couldn't be easier to use. Just enter the URL of any webpage and the tool will recursively crawl the entire website structure checking each link it finds. The process takes less than a minute for most average-sized websites.

Once completed, the tool displays a list of any broken links found and detailed information including:

  • The URL of the broken link
  • The anchor text associated with the link
  • The webpage the dead link appears on
  • The status code (usually 404 not found)

You can then easily fix or remove each dead link to restore proper functioning. The tool also automatically re-checks links after fixing to confirm they now work properly.

Alternatively, you can enter the URL of a specific page you want to scan rather than the whole site. The tool will check all links on that page only. This allows you to also use this tool to check links on pages not part of your own website.


Is Your Broken Link Checker Safe?

Absolutely! We built this free tool from the ground up with safety and privacy at the forefront. The tool:

  • Requires no account setup, login, or personal details
  • Does not access or retain any content from the pages it checks
  • Respects robots.txt directives
  • Crawls politely without aggressive scraping or overloading servers
  • Is hosted by industry-leading providers to ensure the availability

The broken link finder processes entirely on the front end without sending page content to any servers. So you can use it to scan any site safely without worrying about privacy and security.

We stand behind our tool 100% so you can check links worry-free! However, if you have any concerns at all, please contact us for assistance.


Fixing Broken Links on Your Website

Once you've used our tool to locate dead links, fixing them is easy and straightforward in most cases. Here's a simple process to follow:

1. Review each broken link and determine why it's failing.

Common reasons include:

  • The page has been removed or renamed
  • There is a typo in the URL
  • The site architecture changed
  • The target server is down

Understanding why a link broke allows you to properly repair or remove it.

2. Redirect broken links to working pages when possible

If an outdated link is repairable by redirecting it to the current location of that content, do a 301 redirect. This passes SEO value instead of just deleting the link. Many CMS platforms let you set up redirects without coding.

3. Update or remove unsalvageable broken links completely

Links that are outdated, point to totally removed content, or have typos cannot be fixed with redirects. Delete the dead hyperlinks themselves from any content they appear in. Search site-wide to find all repetitions.

4. Add "nofollow" to risky affiliate links

If you promote lots of third-party content that risks breaking in the future, add rel="nofollow" to the links. This stops them from passing SEO juice from your pages.

5. Re-check links once repairs are complete

Run the broken link checker again to confirm all previous dead links now redirect properly or are removed completely. Then set a reminder to re-check periodically.

Prevent Broken Links Going Forward

While occasional dead links will always crop up on changing sites, you can proactively prevent a lot of future headaches.

Update Outdated Resources

If certain site content gets outdated and broken links regularly, overhaul it. Refresh outdated category pages, resource roundups, case studies, etc. to feature current information.

Standardize Internal Linking Plans

Create a site style guide for linking that details the exact formats and conventions to use. Ensure all contributors link to internal pages consistently. Enforce the use of relative links starting with "/" rather than full URLs.

Always Associate Links Semantically

Link text should describe what someone will find when they click rather than just saying "click here", which breaks easily if the URL changes. Make anchor text meaningful even out of context.

Develop a Link Management Workflow

Assign team members to oversee monitoring links using tools like our broken link checker on a set schedule. Address issues as standard protocol, not one-off efforts. Integrate recurring link audits into your overall SEO strategy.



How Does a Broken Links Finder Work?

A Broken Links Finder employs a crawler or spider technology to scan all the pages within a website. 

It follows each link on the site, checking for broken or dead links along the way. The process involves sending HTTP requests to each link and analyzing the response received. 

If the response indicates that the link is broken or the resource is unavailable, the Broken Links Finder flags it for further action.



Q1: Can broken links affect my website's search engine rankings?

Yes, broken links can have a detrimental impact on search engine rankings. Search engines consider broken links a sign of poor website quality and credibility, which can result in lower rankings in search results.

Q2: How often should I check for broken links on my website?

Checking for broken links periodically is recommended, especially after making significant changes to your website's structure or content. Regular checks using a Broken Links Finder will help you maintain a healthy and optimized website.

Q3: Can broken links be fixed easily?

Fixing broken links depends on the nature and cause of the broken link. Sometimes, it may involve updating the link URL or removing the connection altogether. 

Larger websites with numerous broken links may require more time and effort. However, a Broken Links Finder simplifies the process by identifying broken links and providing actionable insights.

Q4: Are there any free Broken Links Finder tools available?

Yes, free Broken Links Finder tools are available to help identify broken links on your website.

These tools often need to be improved regarding the number of pages scanned or the frequency of scans. For comprehensive and frequent scans, premium Broken Links Finder tools are recommended.

Q5: Can I automate detecting and fixing broken links?

Detecting and fixing broken links can be automated using a Broken Links Finder tool. These tools offer features like scheduled scans, automated reporting, and integration with website management systems, making it easier to maintain a website with minimal manual effort.

Q6: What types of links does the tool find and validate?

A: It checks and confirms the status of all standard HTML hypertext links on both external and internally hosted pages. This includes links in text content, image captions, buttons, menus, sidebars, etc.

Q7: Does it check links on pages behind logins or paywalls?

A: No. Since the tool cannot access protected content, it only checks publicly visible page links. Links on restricted access content may still break from external sources though.

Q8: Can I save scans and recheck the same pages later?

A: Absolutely. After running an initial scan, you get a unique recheck URL to rescan that site anytime. Bookmark it to quickly monitor progress in fixing broken links.

Q9: Is there a maximum number of pages or links I can check?

A: No strict limits are enforced. However, extremely large sites with over 50k links may exceed the processing capacity. Contact us if you need to check out a huge site.

Q10: How does the tool determine which links are broken?

A: It issues an HTTP request to each link and checks the status code response. 404 means page not found = broken link. 5xx server errors also signal trouble.



Maintaining a website's functionality and user experience is paramount in the ever-evolving landscape of the internet. Broken links can harm a website's performance, search engine rankings, and user perception.

Using a reliable Broken Links Finder, website owners can proactively identify and fix broken links, enhance user experience, boost SEO efforts, and maintain a positive online reputation. Regular maintenance and optimization using a Broken Links Finder should be an essential part of any website owner's strategy to ensure a seamless browsing experience for visitors.

our other SEO tools:  Search Engine Spider Simulator