Unlock Higher Rankings with This Free Domain Authority and Page Authority Checker! in 2023

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Unlock Higher Rankings with This Free Domain Authority and Page Authority Checker! in 2023

09/02/2023 2:50 PM by Admin in Ai tools

Unlock the Power of Domain Authority and Page Authority for Better SEO


DA PA checker

Search engine optimization (SEO) can seem complicated with all the different factors to consider. However, understanding two key metrics - Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) - can significantly simplify evaluating and improving a website's SEO.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore what DA and PA are, why they matter for SEO, and how to effectively use bulk DA and PA checkers to optimize your site.

What is Domain Authority and Why is it Important?

Domain Authority (DA) is a score developed by Moz that predicts how well a website will rank on search engine result pages (SERP). It ranges from 1 to 100, with higher scores indicating a greater ability to rank.

DA is one of the most widely used metrics in SEO because it provides a quick snapshot of a domain's overall authority and trustworthiness. Google wants to rank the best and most reputable sites for any given keyword. High-DA websites tend to be seen as more respectable because they have earned a more significant number of quality backlinks over time.

Some key benefits of high Domain Authority:

  • Easier to rank for competitive keywords
  • Higher click-through rates from SERPs
  • Increased site traffic and conversions
  • Greater trust and confidence from users

Ways to improve your Domain Authority include:

  • Getting more high-quality backlinks from relevant sites
  • Creating compelling, useful content that earns links
  • Improving overall website user experience and engagement

Monitoring and improving your DA should be an ongoing focus in your SEO efforts. Understanding the DA of competitor sites in your space also provides a benchmark to compare against.

Understanding Page Authority for Individual URLs

While Domain Authority reflects the whole site, Page Authority (PA) is a score specifically for the ranking ability of individual URLs on a domain. Also on a 1-100 scale, Page Authority helps identify the specific pages on your site that are underperforming for SEO.

For any given keyword target, ranking high requires optimizing the most relevant URLs - those that should logically rank for that term based on topical relevance and context. The Page Authority metric helps quickly identify which pages need work to better compete for rankings against pages on other domains.

Some ways to improve the Page Authority of target URLs include:

  • Updating content to be more relevant, valuable and in-depth
  • Improving page-specific on-site SEO elements like title tags and H2 headings
  • Building links to the page, especially from relevant external sources
  • Leveraging internal links to pass Domain Authority to those pages

In addition to boosting Page Authority, it's also important to identify pages that are underperforming relative to their potential. Sorting pages by DA and PA makes it easy to find pages that have high Domain Authority but relatively low Page Authority, indicating they should be better optimized to capitalize on the domain's overall strength.

How to Check DA and PA for Free

The best way to start using Domain Authority and Page Authority in your SEO strategy is to get baseline metrics for your site. Here are some options for bulk-checking DA and PA for free:

MozBar Chrome Extension

The MozBar is a free Chrome extension from Moz that provides DA and PA scores right in your browser. You can easily check metrics for any page you visit while browsing the web. This makes it fast and simple to get DA and PA data for your site and competitors.

SEOToolsPark DA PA Checker


DA AP checker


Our free DA and PA checker tools here at SEOToolsPark allow you to perform bulk analysis of Domain and Page Authority. Simply enter a list of URLs and we'll return the DA, PA, and other metrics for each in a spreadsheet. Check up to 20 URLs at a time for free without any registration.

Moz Link Explorer

Moz's Link Explorer offers a free trial that lets you analyze a limited number of URLs for DA and PA. You can perform bulk analysis of up to 25 pages in a CSV file. Link Explorer also provides additional link data to help improve your backlink profile.

SEMrush Sensor Extension

The SEMrush Sensor browser extension delivers Page Authority data right on Google search results pages. This makes it easy to analyze the PA scores for the top-ranking sites for your target keywords. Understanding the PA levels sites need to rank can help inform your own optimization efforts.

Tips for Using DA and PA Checkers for Better SE

Here are some tips for effectively using Domain Authority and Page Authority checkers as part of your ongoing SEO strategy:

  • Analyze competitor DA/PA - Use bulk DA checkers to analyze competitors' scores. Look at competitors ranking well in your space to establish goals.
  • Prioritize pages to optimize - Identify site pages with low PA relative to their potential. Focus optimization efforts on pages with room for improvement.
  • Evaluate URLs before/after updates - Check DA/PA before and after making major changes to see the impact. Page authority in particular can help indicate if optimizations had a positive effect.
  • Find "hidden gems" - Uncover pages that rank well despite low PA, indicating opportunities to build on unrealized potential.
  • Monitor ranking keywords - Check the PA levels of top pages ranking for your target keywords to inform efforts.
  • Leverage DA for new pages - Identify high DA pages to build internal links from, passing authority to new content.
  • Disavow low-quality links - Find low-DA pages damaged by poor links that should be disavowed.
  • Update link-building outreach - Focus link-building on low DA/PA pages to improve their metrics.
  • Prioritize redirects - When consolidating content or URLs, redirect high PA pages to pass equity.

Ongoing tracking in a spreadsheet can help spot trends over time and quantify progress. Getting in the habit of regularly checking DA and PA will help better inform both your overall SEO roadmap and your optimization decisions on individual pages. With DA and PA, backlink monitoring is also very important.

Frequently Asked Questions About Domain Authority and Page Authority

Q: What is considered a good Domain Authority score?

A) Generally, a good Domain Authority score is between 40 to 60+. Scores above 70 are exceptional and indicate a very strong website authority. However, acceptable scores vary greatly by niche and market. Checking competitor DA scores provides the best benchmarks for a given space.

Q: Can you increase Domain Authority quickly?

A) It takes time and effort to substantially increase Domain Authority. Quick boosts are often a sign of "shortcut" techniques like low-quality link building. Focus on an ethical, white hat link-building strategy to steadily improve DA through relevant, reputable sites over time.

Q: How is Page Authority different than Domain Authority?

A) While Domain Authority reflects the authority and link equity passed to the entire site, Page Authority is a per-page metric reflecting the ranking potential of individual URLs. Optimizing target pages with lower PA can help improve keyword rankings.

Q: Why doesn't Page Authority always correlate with rankings?

A) Page Authority is one indicator of ranking potential, but many other on-page and off-page factors also matter. That's why sometimes pages with lower PA may rank higher than pages with higher scores. All key SEO elements still need to be addressed.

Q: Should you redirect pages with low Page Authority?

A) Not necessarily. First, try optimizing those pages to improve PA. Redirecting should only be used for consolidated content, not as a shortcut. Otherwise, you may simply pass the weak PA to another URL while losing any existing equity.

Q: Is it bad for Page Authority to be higher than Domain Authority?

A) A higher Page Authority than Domain Authority is common and not inherently bad. It simply indicates strong optimization efforts on that specific page to build links and authority. The page is outperforming the overall domain's reputation.

Q: Can expired domains pass Domain Authority to new owners?

A) Possibly, but not always. If a new owner fails to earn backlinks and authority under their ownership, the domain will slowly lose relevancy in Google's eyes. Any passed equity fades over time without consistent optimization.

Q: Is Domain Authority the same thing as Google Domain Rating?

A) No. While Google has a Domain Rating metric, Domain Authority was created by Moz as a tool to estimate search ranking potential. Google does not endorse or recognize DA in its algorithm. However, optimizing to improve DA generally correlates with higher visibility.


Understanding and tracking Domain Authority and Page Authority scores provides valuable insight into your website's overall SEO standing and individual page performance.

Regularly leveraging free bulk DA and PA checker tools allows you to identify issues and opportunities to focus your optimization efforts. You can better allocate time based on pages that need link building, content updates, or consolidation to boost authority.

Domain Authority also gives you a benchmark to evaluate your progress relative to competitors. Monitoring DA and PA over time becomes an essential metric in measuring success.

Hopefully, this guide provided a solid introduction to maximizing the use of Domain Authority and Page Authority as part of your SEO strategy. Don't leave easy wins on the table. Start checking DA and PA today to uncover weaknesses hurting your search visibility and inefficiencies underserving your users.



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